Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Call To All Employers

I received this in an email from Aaron Snyder today and thought I would post it here on the Crossroads blog. -- Sam J.

My name is Aaron Snyder and I have moderate cerebral palsy. I went to an audio recording school down in Orlando Florida to learn more about my passion for music production and audio. My whole intent of going to this school was to learn what I love, get a full time job and get off of social security. I just wanted to live a normal life. Go to work for eight hours five days a week and make enough money to make a living. It has been a year and still no full time job.

Now please take notice that the field I am trying to get into is a very competetive field but I am starting to think that because I have a "disability" it is harder for me to get in. There are all of these stereotypes for people but what everyone needs to realize is when it all comes down to it we are all human beings and we need to look past the differences and get people jobs.

Thanks for reading,

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