Monday, June 2, 2008

Welcome to the Crossroads Blog!

Greetings Wyoming and welcome to the new Crossroads Blog, brought to you by the Wyoming Governor's Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities.

The Crossroads media campain was originally developed by the Council to spread awareness and to educate the State of Wyoming about people with developmental disabilities. The campaign includes a magazine which is published twice a year and a weekly radio show aired all across the state. Topics that are important to people with developmental disabilities and to their friends, family members and neighbors are highlighed in the magazine and on the show.

In an effort to grow the campaign and reach an even bigger and broader audience, we have added the Crossroads Blog, which will allow us to communicate weekly, or even daily, about events in the dd community or issues directly affecting people with developmental disabilities.

If you want more information about Crossroads or the Council, visit the Governor's Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities web site at:

Remember to keep communicating, educating and advocating Wyoming!

-Sam J.

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