Monday, June 9, 2008

A New Chairman and Vice Chair :)

Happy Monday!

I hope the world is treating you well dear reader and that you are enjoying the Crossroads Blog.

As you may know, the Council had our June quarterly meeting last week in Riverton, WY and it was great! The trip up was a definite learning experience for me (I keep reminding myself that cows travel by semi sometimes and that it's okay) and the Holiday Inn in Riverton treated us very well. Rich drove the tank, aka Excursion, while George, Clay and Sarah rode in the back and I rode shotgun - somehow it just seems right that we say "rides shotgun" in Wyoming, don't ya' think? Rich did a great job getting us back and forth in one piece, thanks again Rich for driving!

During the meeting, grants were awarded (kudos to the Evaluation Committee for such a great job) and a new Chairman and Vice-Chair were elected. Congratulations to our new Chairman, Victor Orr and our new Vice-Chair, Susan Fessler. The other committees continue to do great work and make plans for a better and brighter Wyoming for people with disabilities and their friends and neighbors.

One new project, which is sort of an old project, is the addition of two magazines to the Crossroads media campaign yearly, officially making it a quarterly publication. You can look for a new edition of Crossroads each season, roughly in June, September, December and March. If you'd like to sign up to receive Crossroads, visit our site at or email me directly at Or, if you have story ideas or something you'd like to see in Crossroads, shoot me a note as well!

Thanks as always for taking the time to check in with the Council and remember, we communicate when we educate and advocate!

Keep on truckin'! (see, I'm getting the whole Wyoming thing down)
Sam J. :)

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